Friday, March 12, 2010

Nesting...Part II

Okay, I promise it didn't take me a full month to get that abysmal mess in my kitchen cleared just took me a month to get the pictures taken. *sheepish grin* So, without further ado, I hereby share my redeeming photos:

I'm pretty happy with how it all came together. We have been meaning to get that sun figure put up since we moved in three years ago. And I'm excited to finally have found a safe place for my skinny little shelf!

The curtains are the best part, I think. They're flat sheets that I bought at WalMart for $2.50 each! I got the idea from those lovely ladies at Drab to Fab. You just cut a slit on the back side of the thick hem (see their post for full instructions here). I want to dress them up with some brown & blue ribbon so my living room color scheme will flow into the kitchen, but I couldn't find exactly what I was looking for, so that will have to wait. For now, I think they look great on their own. And I like that they're thin enough to still let in plenty of light without blinding my kids at lunch time. :)

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